Well deserved win on the Wacom Tablet. Have a good one. Always looking forward to the new stuff.
Age 48, Male
León (Spain)
Joined on 7/25/07
Well deserved win on the Wacom Tablet. Have a good one. Always looking forward to the new stuff.
Thank you! I'll do my best to make it worthwhile...
Your art style when it comes to drawing legs reminds me of Marina's from Mischief Makers.
I had to google that, 'cause I think that game wasn't released here... (but I remember it was programmed by Treasure, wasn't it?)
Well, that simple legs are really fancy nowadays with anime like Lucky Star or DiGiCharat... There's something, but not quite.
Altough I was really into manga in my teen years, you'll find styles more similar to mine in American and European cartoonists.
Against yours, the other artworks apear almost boring!
You have a great unice style with a high recall value.
Especially I like the work for the "Heavy Metal" magazine and the T-Shirt (and YES I would wear one - 'cause of the style AND the looks :D )
What "other artworks"...? ; D
I really apreciate very much your kind words. I don't forget my works easily, either: I've thought many times to make some sort of mini-comic with the "Heavy Metal" character and the T-shirt is a reference to "Pico's School" (but I didn't knew how much people have get that...), and a topic I'd like to try again.
I hope I can keep making works that you can enjoy. So long!
Hey macho! tienes un mail! ^^
By the way Awesome style in your work as i tell ya in evry review!
Also, its ture, there are gems in some of those links! Like the Punisher!
Everybody seem to like the Punisher. I could go back on him one of these days with a slightly more ambitious illustration.
Now that we've been exchanging PM's it seems rather pointless to keep on ranting except to say thank you for posting here.
Hey man what smooth setting is your brush tool at?
Hey, I remember you! You drew that cute gamer vampire girl!
What setting...? None... I use the pen tool.
Here you can see how do I do it:
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/top ic/807600/23
Sorry if you were expecting another tip... I'm trying to get myself accustomed to tablets now, too. Thank you for passing by and good luck!
??? Sorry, I don't understand... What "Ozzy" are you talking about?
Hi Bizarro Joe, your art came to my atention weeks ago, but usually i don't post things in the main page of the authors of this site becauselooks like the most of people are too busy to comment them, but i can see that you are different!xD
Well im just a guy from chile, who has spend the most of his life trying to become an respetable artist, searching for an unique style of drawing, and now, experimenting in the awesome world of animation... i express myself better in spanish, so sorry people ... mi pregunta es, como con un arte tan unico, quizas un poco perverso pero totalmente encantador e hipnotizante, y con un claramente diestro manejo en el lenguaje de vectores no tienes algun trabajo de animacion exclusivamente tuyo? me encantaria ver tus personajes en movimiento!! mi ilustracion favorita de las tuyas es Teacher's Pet, porfavor si tienes tiempo comenta mi arte o mis animaciones, ke no son la gran cosa pero para mi son grandes logros, ahora mismo estoy trabajando en una animacion que en verdad deseo terminar, es una historia inspirada en un tema de rodrigo y gabriela (espero que los conozcas) llamado paris, historia que obviamente decidi desarrollar en las calles de españa, cuando este listo me encantaria saber tu opinión.
Me encanta tu arte, la forma en que terminan las piernas, los muslos gruesos, las expresiones caricaturezcas, las lineas gruesas y los encantadores modelos femeninos. Es una sintesis bastante... cautivadora y provocativa por asi decirlo, definitivamente un referente para mi... bueno
es lo que queria decir.. suerte con tus futuros proyectos, cya
Wow! What a coincidence, I also have been watching your gallery just a few weeks ago! But then you didn't have any animations yet... Congratulations, now you're a step above from me in the food chain!
Your art definetely caught my eye then, I really liked it a lot! You're really patient and skilled if you try to stick with such a detailed style when using Freehand!
As mush I love to write in my mother tongue here in the 'grounds, I can't help feeling that's somewhat rude to the main english-reading audience... That's why I'll talk to you further using the PM function.
Your visit has made me really happy!
Thank you very much for passing by!
Nice work on those "whore 4 a day" sketches. I was thinking of trying that, but some peoples requests are just freaking ridiculous!
Indeed! But I have the feeling that, If I pass on one of these, I would be bailing out... And I sometimes feel some really bored people are abusing of that, asking for things incredibly stupid or/and complicated.
And then, I feel sorry and guilty for the people that I couldn't get to draw their requests. Maybe they really wanted a doodle really bad, and I couldn't make it because of a lot of silly requests made by guys who haven't thought of that.
I know I devised this to be a challenge. But trying to make as many drawings as you can on the fly during a long period of time is challenging enough.
Anyways, the main responsible of the success/failure of the experience is myself. I can only hope I can learn and improve enough to make it better on a next time, if there's the chance.
Thank you very much for your words of support, Nekow. They are very welcome right now. I'm really glad you liked the thread, too.
... And if you're pondering to try it yourself, remember this:
That which does not kill us makes us stronger.
So long!
Joe, give me your artistic talent NOA! JK, but i was wondering what kind of training your education you have had and how long you've been drawing. Your style just inspires me to draw more and more.
Hmm... I don't know if what I'm going to say will satisfy you...
My art education has consisted mainly in major doodling in school hoping the darn thing would get over already. I've been drawing since I was a kid. But I must reckon I've been really lazy sometimes... I try to make some sketches on a daily basis since quite some time now.
Thank you very much for taking the time to visit my userpage! Cheer up, dude!
???... What collab...?
An anagram for "mo' shit".
way to leave us hanging, joe :(
oh wait so did i
I'm sorry, pal... You could say we can blame it on the blues... ¬-¬
But now I'm working on tidying my life up again, so I'm confident to show myself again soon... Don't worry, you'll know more of me!
I haven't forgotten about you or any of the staff pals, Will... I'll try to make it up something for you all.
Thank you very much for the tip on the shoulder. It has come in a really appropiate moment. So long!
draw a penis
You mean another one?
Dunno... This one works for you?
http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/it em/5b689f5e540b736cffeda6c8451004 5d
If you need a vector file or something, just tell me...
So long!
(I don't know what to say now... Should I make a homage to Condorito now?)
I've notice that you have been posting less of your other examples in a couple of activity threads in the art forum like doodlage recently but you've been keeping still keeping tabs under the area on certain days ,Have you gotten through of all your doodles from college t?
To be honest however I notice I've been sort of procrastinating myself.
Ooph... I'll try to respond you, but I didn't catch the question really well...
Maybe I haven't posted all my campus years doodles, but I'd have very few left unposted and maybe not too good. I have strict rules about what "doodling" is, and I haven't had many chances of just "doodling" in a long time. Yet, I have a pair of them made while at the swimming pool that I wanted to post in the thread.
I'm busy with Art Portal submissions now, but I'm thinking about something special for the Forum. I'll try hard to pull it out (But it's a secret for now...)
Thank you very much for leaving your thoughts here! So long!
yYu want talk to me Spazkid Hulalaoo and Shadman some time? and me skype: Redfeather64 <3
I'd like to, but I don't have a webcam nor I have Skype installed...
I'll definetely have to look into it, 'cause my sociability is now at troll level (The oldschool bridge-type, not the net ones). Thank you anyways for visiting and caring, Paul! So long!
Joe i love your style, what do you call it?
How do I...? Dunno... I just like to draw that way!
I don't feel like labeling my work now. It's kinda arrogant... Let the audience do it for me. Probably they are the only ones who can come up with an answer anyways.
Thanks for visiting and the supporting words!
Joe, como configuras la tableta para sacar esas lineas tan hermosas y limpias ?
Oh, Dios.
Me parece que llegó el momento de confesar la verdad...
Todavía soy incapaz de dibujar una mierda pinchá en un palo con la tableta. SIGO USANDO EL RATÓN. Yo también quisiera saber una buena configuración para que las líneas no me salgan como si tuviera el Parkinson...
Si aun así, deseas saber como hago el asunto, arriba hay un link (Bueno, lo copio aquí para tu comodidad...)
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/top ic/807600/23
Como verás, lo que hago son polígonos de dos lados (Sí, parecen líneas... ¡Pero no lo son, so PO-LÍ-GO-NOS! ¡De 2 lados!) con la herramienta pluma. Y si tengo que recortarlos, creo un par de nodos por donde haya que cortar, los cambio a "asimétrico", elimino un extremo y convierto la curva resultante entre esos dos nodos en recta.
Esto se puede hacer tanto en CorelDRAW como en Freehand sin mayor problema (Imagino que en Illustrator también.). En Flash es un poco más engorroso, por que hay cambiar a la herramienta subselección para retocar los nodos (y luego algo más que ahora he olvidado...). Y en Photoshop ni idea, PS maneja los vectores de forma muy diferente (Para eso Adobe tiene Illustrator, que yo no tengo y que me gustaría probar, que Corel me ha insultado ya bastante...).
Advierto que esta técnica es lenta. Para hacer algo sencillito igual te va bien, pero para algo más complicado vas a necesitar unas cuantas horas (más bien días) para tener un dibujo terminado.
Siento mucho haberte decepcionado... Pero me alegro de todos modos de que te hayas pasado a visitarme. ¡Un placer, viejo!
OH :3 , Yo me paso casi todos los dias por tu pagina Joe, creo que entendi, esa tecnica no es aplicable a la animación :p yo tambien use Corel hace un tiempo, gracias por tu tiempo, besos : <>
Ya, sólo funcionaría para algún elemento de fondo o algo que no se moviera mucho y que vaya a ser reutilizado, por que ciertamente, se tarda un siglo en hacer cada dibujo. Para tweening sin embargo, sí sería aplicable... Yo tendía que ponerme manos a la obra y hacer algún pequeño porn loop o así, pero Flash me ha dado tantas frustraciones que me amarga solo el abrir el programa...
Que diferente hubiera sido todo si los tutoriales que hay por ahí hicieran más hincapié en una cosa que es básica para animar en Flash: UNA animación, UNA capa. ¿Te quieres creer que eso es algo que he descubierto recientemente?
También debería hacerme un poco más con las herramientas de dibujo de Flash (O hacerme con Illustrator.), por que importar a Flash a veces también da su trabajo. Como mínimo, hay que corregir todo el color de la ilustración importada. Y como mis dibujos los componen un buen número de objetos, pues hala... Más tiempo por la borda.
Hablar de animación me está dando gana de abrir Flash otra vez... Como que voy a abrir uno de mis proyectos colgados y ver si consigo esta vez que la muñequita respire de forma convincente o algo así... A ver, a ver...
De nada hombre, ha sido un placer. ¡Un abraaaazooo!
congrats on the wacom owo!
Oh, Pix, long time I didn't see you!
I really felt honored to have been gifted with one...
I really need to refresh myself lately and try new things, you know.
We'll keep in touch. Until then, wish you well!