View Profile BizarroJoe

Age 48, Male

León (Spain)

Joined on 7/25/07

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12,060 / 12,090
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7.49 votes
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Hey BizarroJoe! Just dropping by again to check. I finally got my mood together and went through your links, like i promised (phew). And just as i expected, its just too much for words to describe about your artwork. In all pure and humble honesty: i am in love with your stylish work. Always have since 07, and always will. Where do i even start? Heres a short summary.

A lot of your characters are quite compact, like chibis. But even cuter. : > Its BizarroJoe style. Pointy feet and thick thighs. :O Other than that, you got hella lot fancy style up your sleeves. Your Robocop drawing is one example. Really really slick.

And your pinup girls... i uh... they are incredibly sexy. Wow. Especially them cathouse banners, very pro from a pro artist like yours truly. You happen to hit my WEAK SPOT. Which is BIG BUTTS. I am VERY fond of BIG SEXY BUTTS. As if you read my mind. Congrats Joe, you have taken full control of my imagination. I love you.

Your style is so sturdy in all of your drawings. Many of them have strong stylish influence from PPG (the powerpuffs). Excellent line strokes, very sturdy. Whether its comic, banners, posters, vector etc. You have done em all. A multi talented artist, thats you. Also i absolutely LOVE your doodles. Such a strong decisive style. Awesome redesigns. Anatomy is top notch too. Especially butts. Gotta love them butts.

As for your chicks with dicks... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

All in all, you are some of the most gifted artists ive ever met on NG and will continue to remain a big fat favorite of mine :D Totally mind blowing. You must be running pro with your skills. I cant believe youre still unemployed. >:\ Ive never forgotten about you though, and never will. I drop by here 3-4 times every month. Been also wanting to leave a comment like this for 3 months now. And here it is. I am surprised that no one has left you any new comments yet since mine. Oh well, allow me to respond on your response:

I was nervous too the first time i participated in the sketchbook tour 07. The last thing i wanted was to fuck up my entry. But still what you did in last years tour, it was interesting to just look at. No really. As if it was a piece of a collage. Something bolded out in order to create a some sort of an artistic aspect which isnt only consisted of a mere doodle, but only that it was half way finished. So yes youre quite right, if its used in a right way then you will actually be able to put something more together something more advanced and expressional for example. At least you came up with a small improvization that can give your future ideas a jolt. Small steps might evolve into something bigger and craftier. :)

It warms my heart to know that you actually still remember me from time to time. :') I guess thats the thing about us as Digimon fans. We oughta stick together!

And LMFAOO!!!!!!! I had no idea you hated ScorpianX0, until now. Hah. Well welcome to the club then, BJ. He used to be my friend until he gradually revealed his true self and in the end i went kamikaze on his ass for his twofaced attitude, now hes mad and calls ME ignorant. A word he likes to use a lot. Fucking shitbag. What can i say, hes dumb as a sack of rocks. f

Anyways i finally took time to come back and write all this. It was a promise right, i kept it ;) Thanks for the wishes man, i look forward to brighter days. I dont know for sure yet... still i appreciate your encouragement, a lot. : >

Also butts.

That's what happens when you can't access to the web freely. Somebody drops a comment and you can't answer as quick as it deserves. Sorry about that, pal.
After reading your comment, my eyes get all watery... I mean, thank you *sniff*. I didn't know that you liked my drawings so much... Sometimes, you're all moody and somebody unexpectedly shows up and cheers you up and... *honk*.
Thank you for your kind comments. You're quite right when it comes to my influences. But there's more, of course. You'll spot them eventually.
I have to update these links... I also have to change the look of this page also! I'll see if I can get a nice new banner... Anyway, the "Posts" link will work fine if anyone wants to check any work of mine not highlighted in here, 'cause I always try to post with an image.

? Well I've got more lovely hermaphrodites in the sleeve waiting to shoe up in any moment. Just have some more patience.

And for the ScorpianX0 affair... I was just fooling around in my comment, I didn't really hated him, but the guy made some things in his first days here that I disliked a lot, like:
- Posting the same image several times in the Forum (Sometimes in the same thread, I think), hence, almost incurring in Image whoring.
- Making a lot of text-only posts in his thread... It's okay to respond comments, but you have to be careful not to clog your thread with lots of image-void posts of YOUR OWN. As far as I know, you aren't awarded with an official NG Lv. 02 Lollipop for making a lot of posts, and, when you do that on threads you've participated on, it looks like you're desperate for attention. Absolutely a no-no.
- What's that bullshit of "I don't like the Digimon series..."? And something about mixing Digimon with Mortal Kombat being cool...? Urrrrghhh... Don't feel fine right now... gotta reach the toilet...
Still, that's my point, so I kept that to myself. I had no idea that it had gotten to his head so much... Meh. He'll get what he deserves. I hope.

I'll try to have some fresh art made soon. Until then, take care, my mate. and thanks again. ;)

These are good! I especially like the Cathouse Banners. :)

Much appreciated. I took so much time in responding you 'cause I want to watch your series and comment on it here. But I'm having very little time on the net nowadays and I've been unable to watch it properly. Anyway, when I'm done with it, I'll make you know, promise.

You should've entered the Power of 3 Event. Your art style would be so awesome in a game and it's a great way to start going into the flash world.

Didn't know how it really worked, but when I saw the captions in your userpage blog, I felt really envious and I regretted not entering in it...
But as far as I know, it's something like teaming up to make a freakin' good flash project, isn't it? I didn't entered because, in my actual situation, the chances of becoming a burden for the team are unbearably high. Luckily, this could change on the second half of this year, so, I'll try to get ready to enter the flash scene until then.
Sending you a big hug, pal. Don't feel a stranger here.

Sending love and salute your way, just letting you know you aint forgotten and i sure as hell wont forget either :)

how is your current sketchbook tour entry turning out for ya?

Oh Gawd.
Feel like walking the green mile.
(This post will be updated briefly. We beg you patience. Thanks.)
UPDATE: SketchBook Tour '09 sheet finished and already sent.
There's a preview hidden in the Art Forum thread.
Oooph... I thought I couldn't make it...

I love your work, you should post up on Deviantart or something.

I've bee waiting ages for Newgrounds to open an Art Portal and you tell me that I should post on DeviantArt.
I don't know what should I think about this comment.
I suppose you haven't read that I want to remain sorta NG Exclusive, haven't you?
(Damn, this is so funny it's hard to stop! Thank you for your compliments.)

Gosh, your work is often small, but flawless. Like a mouse version of da vinci did 'em.
I like your stuff because no matter what it is you've illustrated, or to what scale, your proportions are always presteen, lines clean and all-round original. I got to have a proper sit-down and have music injected into me via my ridiculously large headphones to have a 50/50 chance of ending up with something I like mildly enough to not scrunch up and bin, but I can tell you can create a great image with all but a shred of effort.

I won't say keep up the good work because I know you will anyway, you bastard!

I love that image of the painting mouse. So cute <3 !!!
Don't you think good drawings come out as easily... Most of the time I have to sketch over and over until I get something that could lead to something interesting. Hard work is way more important than be "gifted", trust me.
Thank you for your friendly words. Everybody hail the original bastard.


This guy opened an account only for posting this comment to everybody.
What else can I say?

the guy above me fucking sucks, as its written :o

Just in case the guy above this gets his account deleted, Hammi's not referring to JaviTOONS. Clear?

Nice Pic´s

I should be proud for having pleased the God of Perverts.

Howdy, Joe!

I'm pleased to see all of the art you've been uploading, good stuff. I was kind of wondering if you were planning to throw some of your earlier works into the portal, especially the cathouse banners and so forth. Maybe some "safe for work" kind of stuff. =P

You should post in the forum more often, as well, we need more experienced and fabulous artists like you around. ;]

Keep up the spectacular work!


Oh, my... Kraig! If I'd know you were coming to my parlor I'd have had something prepared! But, where are my manners? Come inside and take a seat, you like iced tea? Have yourself at home...

Except for particular cases like wallpapers or any kind of illustration which can admit some kind of "variants", I won't post the same image more than once. I don't like to do that, it can "wear down" the pics and I feel like "whoring" them. My chicks can be a bit slutty, but they're not whores (not all of them, I mean...).
It's sort of a home rule.
I've been questioning myself lately about the matter of the subject of my pics. Defintely that was not the kind of work I dreamt of drawing when I was a kid... (Anyway, when you're a kid you think girls have cooties.) but lately, I've found that pornography is the only thing that inspires me to make illustrations at this moment! We'll have to wait a bit more for the SFW projects...

The Art Forum is REALLY important for me. As you've already seen, soon after opening the Art Portal, I whored myself once again. You can't do that sort of things in the Portal... That's only one of the reasons why the Forum is necessary, if there's still someone asking.

I'd also liked to post more often. But given all the burdens I have to cope with in my personal life and the fact I want to post images as often as I can... Well...
...maybe after my brother's wedding things may change a bit. We'll see.

Your words have arrived in a moment I was in need of them. Thank you very much and may God (or any one superior being) bless you for that.

Feel free to visit me again anytime! So long!

didn't comment in a while, didn't want your page to get lonely , .

love all your art , and keep at it !

It's really nice to see you here again. I haven't forgotten about you, you know...
When we'll be able to see the cat's game sequel? I loved the hats part...
I still owe you something. I'll try to do something about it someday.
'Till next time!

I see you played Stamper's Quest For Fags.


I couldn't forget a game with such a name...
I like simple games, but I'd like some kind of reward like ending pics or something like that... You know, after chasing endlessly those packs, It'd be swell to have a smoke at twilight, not just an old, shoddy grave...
BTW, It's normal that the menu go crazy after a couple of games?
Anyway it was fun... Thank you for passing by!

I don't forget you, dammit >:(
I painted a picture of me giving you the middle finger* for your art section (and I had fun doing it, too).
<a href="http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/6918/wuhhhh2.png">http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/6918 /wuhhhh2.png</a>

*may or may not look like description

I can't believe it.
How did you get to bring out THAT from my hurried scribbling?!?
How did you get to understand the valves, indicators, needles and the gun (MyGAWD, it has VOLUME!) that were so clumsily doodled?
How much LOVE can a person bear during a week, exactly...?
Thank you, Turkey.
I'll get you for this >:.-)

I demand you draw the futa knight with a visible penis, and colour it too.

Do you mean the one I did for TheDo12 in the "Whore for Another Day" thread...?
Well, the helmet added charm and was funny... Still, I'm flattered by the fact someone else remember that sketch, so I may do it after the things I have my hands onto now.

Yes, that one.
Draw her hung like the horse she rides on :3

Shut up woman, get on my horse.

Possibly one of the most EPIC pics I've seen you post so far: ROBO-COP in none other than YOUR style. <eee> I was freaking stoked to see that - it made my WEEK!

That, and it's amazing how involved you are with the art forums.. like wow.
I've been tempted to start my own art threads or involve myself in them some more -- but I keep getting side-tracked by other.. less-fun stuff. :C

p.s. sent you re-scout request!

Robocop was a gift for Mindchamber. Each time time I see it I ask myself how the heck was I capable of doing that... It took quite some effort to pull that out. But I'm really proud of it.
I've got another illustration planned for Mindchamber. It's about an android from the '80's. As soon as I pull a good sketch out of it, I'll get my hands on the work.

I feel I'm not really envolving myself that much in the Art Forum lately, and that's something I plan to fix somehow. I also encourage you to do so!

Commenting here also made me really happy. So it did your Portal Invite. And the same goes for all the people who sent portal invites. Every single one of you helped me to get out of the cave I got myself locked in. If I have the time and the chance I'd like to thank you each of you personally, but if I don't, here it stays.

Thank you. Honestly, thank you.

Now, recapping... I'll try to keep in touch with you, Sab! Regards to Mel, too.

Lamento decirtelo, querido Juan, pero Locoarts me parece el segundo indicio más claro de la decadencio humana; justo despues de Disney Channel.

Como sigas dibujando hermafroditas, mi inocencia se muere, lentamente. Pero seguire poniendo esos dibujos en mis rincones favoritos de mi subconciente.

Because deep inside of me, I know I like them... ...holy shit...

CHE! ¿Que te pasa con mi amigo?
Yet, I'm figuring your point... There's has passed A LOT of time since I visited LoCoArts...
Aqui en España hemos tenido un caso similar en el mundo editorial... Un chico que empezo con fanzines de un comic fresco, referencial y lleno de simpatia e ilusion adolescente... Pero la popularidad (y la edad, y la falta de ideas nuevas...) le paso factura rapidamente... y me pareció que el LoCo iba por ese camino...
Aun asi, cada vez que veo "Patito Feo" por la tele siempre digo:
I'm sorry for your innocence... I'm afraid I'm going to give'er the coup-de-grace eventually...
A proposito... estoy dejando faltas de ortografia al azar porque a veces, en algunos equipos, las tildes, acentos y otros símbolos del español no se visualizan correctamente... ¿A ti tambien te ha pasado?
Anyway, thank you for passing by!

BizarroJoe! I love your work and I constantly check your page to see what you're up to! You're such a fantastic artist. You aren't limited to a single style. I think thats what a true artist is! I just wanted to say good luck to you, for everything you do. If you're feeling down, turn that frown upside-down! It makes it easier to trudge through the day, trust me. I'll be checkin' in on ya, big guy!

Thank you very much!
A big cheer for you, too! Keep on drafting!

HI, I really like your art, especially the sexy girls and the Super Heroes. Could you submit them to your art page, so I can fave 'em?. Keep drawing.

Sorry, but I won't. The reasons were already told in BlackMarketKraig's response, a few posts above.
Hey aren't you by chance a movie geeko? (Ay, no que esos son de El Salvador... ¿Estoy soltando barcazadas?)
Anyway, thank you very much for posting! I'll check on you as soon I have the time.

BIZARROPOINTS?!?! OMG I'll cherish them forever and never give them away! Thank you so much! I'll let you know when the version 2 comes out! You'll be the first to know!

I'll be curious! I'll do the same when I upload one!
I should do a simple dress-up, 'cause I've always foiled myself being too ambitious when I tried in the past... It's a bit spammy, but it may look good...
Thanks for passing by!

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