At least you´ve been honest.
And I want to thank you for not making another cheap-thrill spammer.
But sadly, your ghost report suffers from lack of polish... It´s either raw texts or low-quality photos. The font used is somewhat nice for titles, but sometimes it gets so tiny that becomes rally hard to see in the text blocks... And the zoom in the photos would have been a good point of design if you had better quality pics and if it waited for a button press to work, because in some of them, the whole picture is shown very little time to actually know what´s in it... The music was nice, though I don´t know if it would be annoying after a while, look for something more atonal and loopy just in case and add a music switch.
Anyway... I think it would be good if worked another one like this, but with more material and a better looking interface. You have a nice idea,just try it again.